AdventurousBug - Title.png

The Mission:

To create a mobile application framework for the pre-existing AdventurousBug website, allowing users to engage with the platform in an easy and efficient way on the go.

The Services:

The online program was used to construct the framework for the mobile AdventurousBug application. The app was customised to some capacity within the GoNative program and then further customised in Xcode and Android Studio to refine the application for iOS and Android devices respectively.

THe Outcome:

While being the AdventurousBug website framed in an application, the AdventurousBug application looks, and more importantly feels, like a native mobile app. UI design was aligned with the AdventurousBug brand assets to ensure that interacting between app elements and web elements felt seamless.

The Impact:

The AdventurousBug mobile application expands AdventurousBug’s reach into the mobile space and allows their users to take their adventure on the go without the obtrusions of a mobile web browser.