Impactr - Title.png

The Mission:

To design a social platform that drives social change through impactful video-sharing, resulting in chains of users doing positive actions together. This project must be contemporary and tailor itself to a Gen-Z audience, as well as include all the mechanics users expect from a social media application.

The Services:

As Product Manager and Lead Product Designer working on Impactr’s social application, I constantly communicated with company heads and the development team in this highly iterative project. Prototypes of the Impactr application were designed in Adobe XD and Figma with a comprehensive and unique style-guide constructed for development. Due to the nature of Impactr’s focus (getting users to do impactful activities in the real-world), design of the app was tailored to minimise time spent in-app. This meant making the post discovery and post engagement processes quick and efficient, so users may direct focus on the real-world aspect of their actions.

THe Outcome:

The Impactr App is a complete social video-sharing platform, unique in it’s mission, yet comparable to other social medias of its type. Consistent design across all pages in adherence to the brand’s values and aesthetics results in a cohesive experience that is easy for users to become accustomed to and engage with as they become part of this new social media.

The Impact:

The Impactr app is a modern social media for a generation driven to make change in the world. With the core idea that one small action can inspire a huge impact, the Impactr app is constructed specifically to foster that inspiration. Large action videos, competition driven leaderboards, communication through messages, and highlighting social gratification through chains of positive actions, make this app a prime example of how technology and social media can be used for good, and ultimately, save the world.